Mike Malone Ask Popovich “How Do I Stop Kawhi”

Denver Nuggets head coach Mike Malone reportedly called San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich and asked “how do I stop Kawhi Leonard” this according to sources close to the two. This news broke shortly after Mike Malone’s Denver Nuggets came back from a 3-1 deficit to defeat Kawhi Leonard and the Los Angeles Clippers.

    Malone and Popovich reportedly speak frequently but Malone and Popovich speak about non basketball related subjects. It wasn’t until Malone found himself down 3-1 in the series when he decided to ask. The two reportedly had a two hour call regarding the subject, afterall it was  the monster Popovich created. Clearly Popovich’s advice worked as Leonard has looked relatively average in the past three games as he has not looked like the Leonard fans are used to seeing.

Popovich drafted Leonard in 2011 and won an NBA championship together in 2014. Leonard was traded away from San Antonio in 2018 after a big fiasco that occured between both parties. Leonard went on to win a championship with the Toronto Raptors the same year of being traded and signed with the Los angeles Clippers this past off-season. It’s safe to say that Malone used his connections in this case as it seemed to work, proving that asking for help isn’t always a bad thing.

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